Ders Adı
Hesaplama Geometrisi
Ders Tipi
Dersin Açıklaması
Core Course - Group 1 - Theory of Algorithms and Foundation of Computer Science
Algorithms and data structures for computational problems in discrete geometry, line segment intersection, polygon triangulation, linear programming, orthogonal range searching, point location, voronoi diagrams, arrangements and duality, delaunay triangulations, convex hulls, binary space partitions, simplex range searching, non-uniform mesh, quadtrees.
Kesikli geometride hesaplama problemleri algoritma ve veri yapıları, lineer programlama, orthogonal alan arama, nokta tespit etme, voronoi diagramları, delaunay üçgeni, doğru parçası kesişimi, tek yönlü alan arama.