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Seçmeli Ders

Ders Adı Hesaplama Teorisi 553

Semester Güz

Ders Tipi Zorunlu

Teori 3

Kredi 3


Dersin Açıklaması
Core Course - Group 1 - Theory of Algorithms and Foundation of Computer Science; Sample Elective Course Theoretical analysis of computational process; fundamental concepts such as abstract programs, classes of computational machines and their equivalence, recursive function theory, unsolvable problems, Church's thesis, Kleene's theorem, program equivalence and generability, acceptability. Hesaplama işleminin teorik analizi, soyut programlama, hesaplama makinalarının sınıfları, çözülemeyen problemler, Kleene teoremi, program eşdeğerliği ve kabul edilebilirliği