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Doctoral Program in Political Science and International Relations

Program Type: PhD
Language: English

Yeditepe University is part of a world-class city, centrally located in a geo-politically strategic region with easy access to Europe, Middle East and Asia. The Department of Political Science and International Relations aims to recruit students from the neighboring regions in addition to Turkish nationals, and educate them in the fields of domestic and international politics with skills and abilities so that they can find employment in either public or private sector, at home or abroad. Our department has two graduate programs, one at masters, the other at PhD level, since 2004. Only one fifth of the applicants at the PhD level and one third of the applicants at the masters level have been accepted to the programs, as a measure to increase the quality of the graduate studies. The language of instruction is English.

The curriculum not only embraces an interdisciplinary approach but also allows room for specialization through elective courses, language classes, and minor and double major programs. The courses are designed beyond the classic lecture format so that students can actively participate in classes through presentations, discussions, projects and so forth. Besides, the curriculum is being reshaped in accordance with the responses we hear from the advisory board of the department, which was established as part of Bologna process and includes some prominent members of public and private sector in Turkey. The board has already begun to play a role of mediator between the department and the general public.



In today's world, while the business world is becoming more and more specialized, there is an increasing need for interdisciplinary studies that could train students who can work across various different fields. With this goal in mind, our department values an interdisciplinary approach. As the Department of Political Science and International Relations, our basic approach to higher education is to strengthen the skills of acquiring, accessing and using knowledge. 


Our department aims to educate social scientists who are sophisticated, who can think critically and who can produce analytical solutions to various problems.