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Master's Program in Arts and Cultural Management Application Requirements

To have graduated from undergraduate programs of universities in Turkey or from universities abroad that are recognized as equivalent by the Council of Higher Education.

Applicants must have achieved a minimum score of 66 in the TOEFL iBT exam taken within the last two years, or a minimum score of 55 in YDS or YÖKDİL. Applicants without the specified language proficiency scores must take and pass the language proficiency exams conducted by Yeditepe University. In case of failing the proficiency exam or to provide required scores, prospective students are required to attend the English Preparatory Program before starting the program. Additionally, there is no ALES exam requirement for applications to the Master's Program in Art and Cultural Management.

Application Process:

  • Applications to the Art and Cultural Management Master’s Program are made online via the following link. After completing the online application, the required documents must be sent via email to Research Assistants Melike Bayık or Öykü Demirci Bacanakgil.

Required Documents for Application:

  • 2 Reference Letters (can be written in Turkish or English):
  • 1 academic reference
  • 1 from a current or former workplace
  • CV (If applicable, projects related to the field can be included)
  • Statement of Purpose (maximum 500 words, can be written in Turkish or English)

Scholarships and Program Fees: 

  • For information on the scholarships offered by Yeditepe University for prospective students, please visit link. For information on the fees for both thesis and non-thesis programs, please visit link.

Contact Information:

  • For technical issues during the application process, registration, and approval, you can email:
  • For questions related to scholarships, payments, and financial matters, you can email:
  • For all inquiries regarding the Art and Cultural Management Master’s Program, you can contact:

Research Assistant Melike Bayık (
Research Assistant Öykü Demirci Bacanakgil ( )