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About Department

About the Department

The Cognitive Science investigates the human mind with an interdisciplinary approach. Functional and neuroanatomical aspects of the human cognitive processes as well as modelling of these in a machine are main areas of research in Cognitive Science. Subjects of study include linguistics, memory, artificial intelligence, mathematical modelling of the mind, neuroanatomy, emotion, visual perception, and self.

Cognitive Science Program at Yeditepe University involves six main areas: Computer Science, Linguistics, Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Anthropology, Philosophy of Mind and Neuroscience. Students are required to choose a main area as well as a complementary area. After fulfilling the course requirements, students write a thesis which merges at least two areas within Cognitive Science, under the supervision of their supervisors. Based on the recommendations of the supervisor, electives from other graduate programs can be chosen as well.

Vision Mission


The primary mission of the Yeditepe University Graduate Program in Cognitive Science is to engage researchers from the disciplines of Psychology, Linguistics, Computer Science, Philosophy, Neurology and Anthropology to contribute to the development of cognitive sciences in Turkey as a consciousness of the human mind. Cognitive Science aims to create such questions that have not emerged in traditional studies in order to understand the functioning of the human mind / brain and to produce answers using new approaches to these questions. Our program provides students with different backgrounds with an education of scientific knowledge and research techniques on the subfields of cognitive sciences, enabling students to carry forward the knowledge they have gained at least in two areas and to integrate different perspectives of the different disciplines. Students who are trained in the Cognitive Science Master's Program are able to interact with the researchers in the related departments as knowledge-holders in areas outside the field where they have undergraduate studies, while acquiring information on the theoretical and empirical qualities of the disciplines that constitute the cognitive sciences.


Increasing the recognition and awareness of Yeditepe University constitutes the priority vision of the Graduate Program in Cognitive Science. It is also an important part of our vision that strengthening the program with the anticipation that the field of Cognitive Science will be an important area of science world in the near future in the light of today's data, and the prominence of both the Yeditepe University and the departments and researchers who make up the Graduate Program of Cognitive Science. To create a basis for disciplinary communication and cognitive sciences research that is created by bringing together academicians who are continuing education and research activities in the fields of psychology, linguistics, computer science, philosophy, anthropology and neurology and to provide a foundation to meet the academic potentials that are scattered in the field of cognitive sciences in Turkey. To obtain an internationally recognized and respected position with thesis and other scientific studies to be carried out within the scope of the Cognitive Science program.

Terms Application

Terms of Application

Terms of application

- Bachelor's degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution.

- For Research Master’s degree programs (Master’s degree programs with thesis), the minimum required ALES score is 55. (Test results older than five years from the date of the application are not valid and will not be accepted). Candidates who do not have ALES certificate at the application date may register as a "Conditional student".

- For English language proficiency, the minimum required YOKDIL,YDS score is 55 and minimum required TOEFL score is 66 (YOKDİL and YDS results older than five years, TOEFL results older than two years from the date of the application are not valid and will not be accepted).

Required Documents for Application
- 2 reference letters
- Letter of Intent (Maximum 600 words)
- Current Curriculum Vitae
- Transcript
- Ales document
Documents Required for Final Registration
- Bachelor's / Master's diploma original and photocopy
- Original or photocopy of the undergraduate / master transcript
- ALES result document (not required in Master's program without thesis)
- Language exemption certificate
- T.C. who studied abroad. Diploma equivalence certificate to be obtained for citizens' candidates
- Original identity card and photocopy
- Certificate of residence (from resident or e-government issue)
- 4 passport size photos
- Original military service document (photocopy of release document for those who have already completed military service)

Academic Output

Yeditepe University Cognitive Science MA Program

Academic Year 2018-2019


Conference Presentations – National and International

Eroğlu-Uzun, Dilek, Şener, Serkan, Metin, Barış. The Effect of tDCS on Syntactic Processing in Aphasia. 20th International Science of Aphasia Conference, Rome, September 23-26, 2019.

Akyıldız, Merve, Şener, Serkan, Aygüneş, Mehmet, and Ulaşoğlu, Çiğdem. İlgi Tümceciği İşlemlemede Olaya İlişkin Beyin Potansiyelleri. 33. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı, Mersin Üniversitesi, Mersin, 9-10 Mayıs 2019. [Bu çalışma TÜBİTAK tarafından desteklenmiştir (Proje No: 218S242)].

Akyıldız, Merve, Şener, Serkan, Aygüneş, Mehmet, and Ulaşoğlu, Çiğdem. A Neurolinguistic Study of the Processing of Relative Clauses in Turkish. 6th International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Sciences (ISBCS 2019), Yeditepe University, İstanbul, April 28, 2019. [Bu çalışma TÜBİTAK tarafından desteklenmiştir (Proje No: 218S242)].

Akyıldız, Merve, Şener, Serkan, Aygüneş, Mehmet, and Ulaşoğlu, Çiğdem. An ERP Analysis of Relative Clauses in Turkish: Subject Relative Clauses Favored. XIV International Symposium on Psycholinguistics, Tarragona, Spain, April 10-13, 2019 [Poster Presentation]. 

Akyıldız, Merve, Şener, Serkan, Aygüneş, Mehmet, and Ulaşoğlu, Çiğdem. Türkçede İlgi Tümceciklerinin Bilişsel İşlemlenmesi: OİP İncelemesi. 17. Ulusal Sinirbilim Kongresi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon, 4-7 Nisan 2019. [Bu çalışma TÜBİTAK tarafından desteklenmiştir (Proje No: 218S242)].

Al-Kamha, Khaled ve Yildirim, Funda. Contribution of Absolute and Relative Stimulus Aspects in Environments with Multiple Clusters. DyViTo: "Dynamics in Vision and Touch – the look and feel of stuff” by Bilkent University. Cappadoccia. November 5-8, 2019. [Poster Presentation].

İnan, Sabri ve Yıldırım, Funda. Short-term synaptic depression as a suitable mechanism for the verbal transformation effect. 6th International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Sciences (ISBCS 2019), Yeditepe University, İstanbul, April 28, 2019.

Tezcan, Filiz ve Yildirim, Funda. Effect Of Decision Time On Anchoring Bias. 6th International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Sciences (ISBCS 2019), Yeditepe University, İstanbul, April 28, 2019.

Memis, Elif ve Yildirim, Funda. The Effect of Contour and Configuration on Visual Crowding. 6th International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Sciences (ISBCS 2019), Yeditepe University, İstanbul, April 28, 2019.

İnan, Sabri ve Yildirim, Funda. Intra- and cross-categorical reversals of ambiguous stimuli in auditory perception: A psychophysical experiment. 5th International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Sciences (ISBCS 2018), Bogazici University, İstanbul, May 20, 2018.

Paluluoğlu, Şebnem, and Şener, Serkan. Processing of subject and object relative clauses in Turkish revisited. 5th International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Sciences (ISBCS 2018), Bogazici University, İstanbul, May 20, 2018.


Invited Talks

Şener, Serkan. Bilişsel bir Bilim Olarak Dilbilim ve Arayüzleri. II. Dilbilim Araştırmalarında Nöro-Görüntüleme Çalıştayı, İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2 Nisan 2019.

Şener, Serkan. Linear order of wh-phrases in Turkish revisited. Boğaziçi University Student Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics (BUSCTEL’19), 16 Şubat 2019, Davetli Konuşmacı.

Yildirim, Funda. On the contribution of contour mechanisms in early visual cortex to shape perception: an exploratory study. Visual Crowding Workshop, University of Bern, Switzerland, June 23, 24.



Kaplan, Alper., Akagündüz, Erdem. “A Hybrid Framework for Matching Printing Design Files to Product Photos” (TJEECS submission under review for 2020)

Ahveninen, Jyrki., Ingalls, Grace., Yildirim, Funda. et al. Peripheral visual localization is degraded by globally incongruent auditory-spatial attention cues, Exp Brain Res (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00221-019-05578-z

Akyıldız, Merve, Şener, Serkan, Aygüneş, Mehmet, and Ulaşoğlu, Çiğdem. [baskıda]. İlgi Tümceciği İşlemlemede Olaya İlişkin Beyin Potansiyelleri: Türkçe Üzerine Bir İnceleme. İlgi Tümceciği İşlemlemede Olaya İlişkin Beyin Potansiyelleri. 33. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri, Mersin Üniversitesi Yayınları. [Bu çalışma TÜBİTAK tarafından desteklenmiştir (Proje No: 218S242)].

Murat Kalender, Emin Erkan Korkmaz. “THINKER-Entity Linking System for Turkish Language”, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Volume: 30, Issue: 2, Pages: 367-380, Published: FEB 1 2018.

Paluluoğlu, Şebnem ve Şener, Serkan. [under review]. Processing of subject and object relative clauses in Turkish revisited: A self-paced reading study.

İnan, Sabri ve Yildirim, Funda. [yayıma hazırlanıyor]. Duration of perceptual stability for words and pseudowords in verbal transformation effect.

Tezcan, Filiz ve Yildirim, Funda. [yayıma hazırlanıyor]. The effect of temporal ordering and sound source in understanding the perception of sound events.


 Organized Workshops

Yildirim, Funda ve Tezcan, Filiz. Visual, Auditory and Haptic Perception. 5th International Mersin Science Night (MERSCIN). Mersin University, Mersin. 28-29 September, 2019. [Bu çalışma HORIZON2020 projesi tarafından desteklenmiştir. Proje No: H2020-MSC-NIGHT-818725-MERSCIN]


Funded Projects

Şener, Serkan – Yürütücü [3001 Projesi: Proje No: 218S242)].

            Proje Başlığı: İlgi Tümceciklerinin İşlemlenme Süreci: Olaya İlişkin Beyin Potansiyelleri ve Zaman-Frekans Analizi [Başlangıç: Şubat 2019 – Bitiş: Aralık 2019].


Cognitive Science Master's Program;


Click HERE for Bologna Info-Package.

Click HERE to access National Qualification Framework for Higher Education in Turkey (NQF-HETR) document.

Click HERE to access course syllabi and contents.

Thursday, 30 May, 2024 - 12:29
Important Announcement for Candidates! The deadlines for application and scientific exam for the Fall 2024 semester have changed. The application system is closed for now and will be reopened when the application and exam dates are determined. Please follow our social media accounts,...
Wednesday, 22 May, 2024 - 16:10
Cognitive Science Master’s Program at Yeditepe University is accepting applications for Fall 2024! -- Deadline for application is June 7th, 2024. You have to submit all of your documents through the online application at ISS website (http://ebs.yeditepe.edu.tr/). To be able to eligible to...
Monday, 28 August, 2023 - 12:13
Cognitive Science Master’s Program at Yeditepe University is accepting applications for Fall 2023! --   Deadline for application is September 11, 2023. You have to submit all of your documents through the online application (except reference letters, you may make your referrers send...
Monday, 12 June, 2023 - 15:55
Candidates applying for the 2023 Fall Semester of the Cognitive Sciences Graduate Program are expected to take the written exam on Monday, 19th June.   Date: Monday, June 19th, 2023 Time : 14:00 (75 min.) Location  : Engineering Faculty Building, Class...
Tuesday, 9 May, 2023 - 15:04
Cognitive Science Master’s Program at Yeditepe University is accepting applications for Fall 2023! -- Deadline for application is June 16th, 2023. You have to submit all of your documents through the online application (except for reference letters, you may make your referrers send them via e...
Monday, 30 September, 2019 - 14:07
ISBCS 2019 keynote speaker Prof. Colin Phillip's speech, The Relationship between Speaking and Understanding, is now on YouTube! Click here to watch. -- Follow us: Official website: http://cogs.yeditepe.edu.tr/ Institute website: https://bit.ly/2mltVHS...
Tuesday, 17 September, 2019 - 12:02
ISBCS 2019 keynote speaker Prof. Tecumseh Fitch's speech, The Evolution of the Neural Basis of Language, is now on YouTube! Click here to watch. -- Follow us: Official website: http://cogs.yeditepe.edu.tr/ Institute website: https://bit.ly/2mltVHS Facebook: https://bit.ly...
Tuesday, 27 June, 2017 - 06:54
Şebnem Zeyveli, one of the students of our department, was entitled to graduate by succesfully presenting her thesis on 07.06.2017. Congratulations!
Tuesday, 27 June, 2017 - 06:52
Zeynep Fırat, one of the students of our department, was entitled to graduate by succesfully presenting her thesis on 22.07.2016. Congratulations!
Tuesday, 27 June, 2017 - 06:49
Merve Gül Değirmenci, one of the students of our department, was entitled to graduate by succesfully presenting her thesis on 01.06.2016. Congratulations!
Dec 23

Final Projects Presentations: Research Methods in Cognitive Science

Monday, Dec 23th, 16.00...

Dec 11

Yeditepe University, Cognitive Science Master's Program Thesis Defence

Cognitive Science...

Apr 28

6. International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science

Apr 27

Call for Papers - The Symposium of Interdisciplinary Artificial Intelligence Studies

Apr 03

Yeditepe University, Cognitive Science Master's Program is happy to announce its next lecture:
