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Elective List

Course Name Robotics 568

Semester Güz

Course Type Compulsory

Theory 3

Credit 3


Course Description
Sample Elective Course Intelligent connection to perception to action, geometric models, forces, causation, uncertainity, represantation of reasoning process, models of perception, real objects, kinematics, control theory, complex dynamics, articulated structure, mobile robots, reasoning about objects and space, connecting perception to action. Algılamadan harekete akıllı bağlantılar, geometrik modeller, tesirler, sebebiyet, kararsızlık, sonuçlandırma işlem sunumu, algılama modelleri, gerçek objeleri, kinematik, kontrol teorisi, kompleks dinamikleri, düzenli baglantılı yapılar, mobil robotlar, objeler ve uzaylarla ilgili sonuçlandırmalar, algılamayı harekete bağlama.